Journal article publication feedback is a reality in any endeavors meant to achieve the publishing prospect. Just like when you are submitting a proposal for a job, there are a few possibilities to expect when undertaking a journal article publication process. For instance, you may get the job, become shortlisted and miss the job, fail to be shortlisted or not receiving any formal feedback. On a similar note, before you can have your journal article published, you need to know that there are some responses that you may get from the authors who review your journal article. There are several types of journal articles which you should be aware of as well so as to know where to place yours correctly.
Provisional Acceptance
From the peer review department, provision acceptance as a journal article publication feedback implies that your article has probably been accepted. That is not all though as it still needs to go through the production department before the journal article publication. The editorial team can look into your work and then confirm to you in case anything is missing.
Minor Revision
Depending on the type of journal, there is a grace period of round two to three weeks of you have received any minor changes. With such amendment suggested by the reviewers, your article has very high chances of journal article publishing. Such changes may be made quickly without the need to send the revised article back to reviewers. This feedback requires the author of the journal article under publication to take up the initiative immediately and have their work published.
Formal Acceptance
This is a journal article publication feedback, which means that the editorial team is satisfied with the article. That also means that the article is ready for publication. It is therefore passed on to the production department.
Moderate revision
As compared to a minor revision, with these amendments suggested by the reviewers, these ones need to be made. Such changes will take a longer time and for that reason there will be a longer period for the submission as well. These changes made have to satisfy the reviewers before you can publish a journal article.
Rejected but may resubmit
As per the first reviewer, your article is rejected. There are major changes that have been suggested and they require a revision of the same. If you can rewrite your article in a more substantial form, then you can resubmit it as per the reports given.
Rejected, not in scope
The major reason for rejection in this case would be the overlapping if the content of the article. It is important that you visit the concerned journal homepage so as to stay within the scope of the journal.
Reject, poor English
Before you may submit your manuscript, it may be wise to get a native-speaking person to counter check your work before submission. The reviewers need to be able to understand what they are reviewing to be in a position to make the necessary changes.
Major revision
The time that is taken to have your article back to the reviewers now increase to around 8 weeks. There is a chance of your article being accepted and be published. The changes made are substantial and are expected to take a while.
While you prepare for journal article publication, take note of these responses from the reviewers so that you may comply well with them.