
  • Fredrick Olal Kenyatta University
  • Lucy Ngugi Kenyatta University


Purpose of the study: This study aimed at determining the effect of evaluation capacity building (ECB) on evaluation independence among Public Benefit Organizations (PBOs) in Homa Bay County as a quest to find solution to lack of evaluation independence.

Statement of the problem: Most internal evaluations in organizations are assumed to be independent and devoid of influence. Literature however reveals cases of evaluators being confronted by stakeholders to alter or misrepresent their evaluation findings. A study by Pleger, Sager, Morris, Meyer and Stockman (2017) comparing findings from USA, UK, Germany and Switzerland found that even in these developed countries, evaluators are confronted with attempts to modify their findings. Kenya being a developing country is not left out. HomaBay County for instance has recorded weak M&E structures and political interferences in its projects (Homa Bay CIDP, 2013-2017). In view of these, Independence of evaluations is at stake. The fear is that unless a solution is found, interferences are likely to continue hence threaten the credibility of evaluations. Since projects in HIV and poverty eradication that PBOs in HomaBay mostly deal with have wide implications and draws interests of vast number of stakeholders, it is critical that they observe evaluation independence. The study was also pegged on the fact that the state of evaluation independence in these PBOs is unclear and remains undocumented.

Study Methodology: A descriptive research design was adopted for the study. The target population comprised 39 PBOs in Homa Bay County. Data was collected using semi structured questionnaires from all the 51 M&E staff working in these PBOs who served as respondents.

Results of the study: The findings indicated that Homa Bay County PBOs are committed to building evaluation capacity and that their evaluations are moderately independent. ECB aspects including M&E financing, stakeholder participation and evaluation environment were found to positively and significantly affect evaluation independence. Staff development however showed no significant influence on evaluation independence at 0.5 significance level.

Conclusion: ECB positively and significantly affect evaluation independence thus attest to be a promising solution to lack of evaluation independence.

Recommendations: The study recommended that PBOs invests more in ECB to guarantee evaluation independence as a prerequisite for credible evaluations.

Keywords: Evaluation Capacity Building (ECB), Evaluation Independence, Public Benefit Organizations (PBOs), Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E).

Author Biographies

Fredrick Olal, Kenyatta University

Post Graduate Student, Kenyatta University, Kenya.

Lucy Ngugi, Kenyatta University

Lecturer, Kenyatta University, Kenya


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How to Cite

Olal, F. ., & Ngugi, L. . (2020). EVALUATION CAPACITY BUILDING AND EVALUATION INDEPENDENCE AMONG PUBLIC BENEFIT ORGANIZATIONS IN HOMA BAY COUNTY, KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 2(13), 57–76. Retrieved from https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/152


