
  • Yusuf Karim Yalcinkaya Bahria University
  • Dr.Abdul Demishkevich Bilal Bahria University


Purpose of the study: The study was focused to examine the impact of marketing strategies on performance of telecommunication firms in Pakistan

Research methodology: The research adopted the descriptive research design. The target population was 584 and two major telecommunications companies in Pakistan: Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited and Nayatel network (NTL), formed the unit of analysis. The study used questionnaires to collect the data. The analysis of the collected data was done using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).

Findings: The correlation results showed that marketing strategies is positively and significantly associated with performance (r=.510, p=.000). It was found that marketing strategies explains 25.4% of the variations in the performance among the telecommunication firms in Pakistan. The study found that marketing strategies is positively and significantly related to performance (β=.138, p=0.007).

Conclusion: The research concluded that marketing strategy improves the performance of an organization. The results showed that when marketing strategy improves by one unit, the performance of organizations will increase by 0.138 units while other factors are held constant. The marketing technique is essential for the success of any organization, whether service or product-oriented.

Recommendations: The research recommended that telecommunication firms in Pakistan need to put more attention to marketing and embrace new marketing strategies. Advanced networks used by competitors such as social media systems need to be utilized to enhance organizational performance.

Keywords: Marketing strategies, performance, telecommunication firms, Pakistan

Author Biographies

Yusuf Karim Yalcinkaya , Bahria University

Student, Bahria University

Dr.Abdul Demishkevich Bilal , Bahria University

Lecturer, Bahria University


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How to Cite

Yalcinkaya , Y. K. ., & Bilal , A. D. . (2022). IMPACT OF MARKETING STRATEGIES ON PERFORMANCE OF TELECOMMUNICATION FIRMS IN PAKISTAN. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 4(2), 20–30. Retrieved from


