Background: This paper investigates into the effect of education on employment status, and employment options of youths in Cameroon using cross sectional data of the fourth Cameroon Household Survey (ECAM IV).
Methodology: We first used the Binary Logistic Regression to analyze the effect of education type and educational attainment on the employment status of 14459 youths in Cameroon, and later, the multinomial logistic model to investigate the effect of education type on the employment option of a different sample of 13589 Cameroonian youths employed in the Binary Logistic Model.
Results: Education type had a significant effect on employment status and employment option while educational attainment influenced only employment status. This showed that youths with TVET had greater chances of being employed than their counterparts of general education and the likelihood to be employed reduces with better educational levels. Similarly, TVET reduces the likelihood of being employed in the informal and public sectors compared to being employed in the formal self-employed sector.
Conclusions and Recommendations: Based on these findings it is recommended that TVET be subsidized in order to challenge the dominance of general education, and urgent educational reforms are also needed, to meet up with the labor marker exigencies of Cameroon.
Keywords: Employment Status, Employment Option, Education Type, Education Attainment, Youths, Cameroon.
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