• Dr. Jonathan Maweu Multimedia University of Kenya


Purpose of the study: to examine how alcohol intoxication drives men to rape among convicted male rapists in Kamiti Maximum Prison in Nairobi, Kenya.

Research Method: The study applied a mixed methodology and thus adopted a concurrent triangulation research design. This means that both qualitative and quantitative data were collected and analyzed. Qualitative data were collected through interviews with convicted male rapists, while quantitative data were collected through a survey of the same participants.

Findings: The study found that alcohol intoxication was a significant factor in many of the rapes committed by the participants. Some of the participants reported that they were unaware of what transpired during the offence, while others appeared to have taken alcohol in anticipation of the offence.

Conclusion: The study concluded that alcohol intoxication can be a contributing factor to rape. The researchers recommend that different stakeholders such as families, religious organizations, educational institutions, and government agencies partner to provide environments that limit access to alcohol and drugs.

Recommendations: The study makes the following recommendations: Families, Religious organizations, Educational institutions and Government agencies should enforce laws that restrict the sale and consumption of alcohol and drugs.

Keywords: Alcohol Intoxication, Rape, Male Rapists, Incarcerated, Kamiti Maximum Prison


Author Biography

Dr. Jonathan Maweu, Multimedia University of Kenya

Multimedia University of Kenya



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