
  • Teresia Wanjugu Shiundu Pan African Christian University


Strategic planning enables organizations to set direction, allocate resources, and maintain competitive advantage. This study examines schools of thought on strategy formation by analyzing seminal works, particularly Mintzberg, Lampel, Quinn and Ghoshal’s “The Strategy Process”, which outlines ten schools classified as prescriptive, descriptive, and integrative. The concept of strategic leadership is also explored. The findings suggest strategy emerges through interactions between deliberate planning and organic learning. Prescriptive schools emphasize top-down processes led by upper management to provide structure, but can become rigid. Descriptive schools recognize bottom-up strategy emergence based on insights and learning, but lack structure. An integrative approach balancing these schools is needed. Strategic leaders play a crucial role in managing these tradeoffs by providing clear vision and planning tools while fostering emergent learning through communication and culture. Adaptability is required as conditions evolve. The study recommended leaders synthesize multiple schools, leverage both hierarchy and emergence in strategy formation, and balance planning with learning tailored to the context. This facilitates dynamic capabilities and effective strategy implementation. In conclusion, strategic planning requires input from diverse lenses and stakeholders. Further empirical research can refine understanding of how these schools manifest in contemporary business to provide guidance for strategic leaders. However, the conceptual foundation around balancing planning with emergence provides key implications for strategic direction and competitive advantage.

Keywords: Schools, Strategic Planning, Leadership

Author Biography

Teresia Wanjugu Shiundu , Pan African Christian University

PhD Student, Organisational Leadership Department, Pan Africa Christian University


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How to Cite

Shiundu , T. W. (2024). SCHOOLS OF STRATEGIC PLANNING IN LEADERSHIP. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 6(7), 16–26. Retrieved from


