
  • Stephen Muthamia Tangaza University College
  • Rev. Prof Francesco Pierli Tangaza University College
  • Rev. Dr. Joseph Healey Tangaza University College


Purpose of the Study: The aim of the study was to identify the required pastoral leadership skills and competencies needed for effective participatory and responsive leadership for evangelization in Tigania Deanery, Meru. The study was guided by the following specific objectives; to outline pastoral leadership skills for evangelizing the SCCs in Tigania Deanery, to analyze current pastoral leadership practices in the SCCs in Tigania Deanery, to identify training models for leadership styles in SCCs in Tigania Deanery, to suggest recommendations for training leadership in SCCs in Tigania Deanery.

Problem Statement: The pastoral leadership in the Church has a great responsibility of evangelizing many Christians present in the grassroot SCCs.  The priests are set up for a great task when their churches are grown from SCCs to bigger churches. The pastoral leaders in the parish may not be able to evangelize all Christians as adequately as it may be required, unless it relies on pastoral leadership employed by the church authority of the diocese that is the Bishop. However, when leadership skills, social and emotional competencies of pastoral leaders especially where the concept of SCC is not efficiently and effectively employed, the effect is evidenced in the inadequate evangelization of the Christians.  A number of studies have suggested that leaders should have certain qualities without which evangelization in the SCCs will suffer.

Research Methodology: This study used a combination of qualitative and quantitative research design. The target population consisted of leaders in SCCs in Tigania Deanery in Meru Diocese. The Deanery has nine parishes and the study was conducted in the four selected parishes through sampling five SCC in four of the selected parish in the Deanery. The target population consisted of five SCCs in each parish with approximate of five members in each SCC and 100 members were sampled in the whole deanery.

Results: The findings of the study revealed that there was a significant relationship between pastoral leadership and evangelization which is in consistent with the findings that pastoral leadership as influence in the evangelization of the Christians in the SCCs.

Conclusion:  Based on the findings, the study concluded that training of pastoral leaders provides them with skills that enable to be effective in evangelizing the SCCs.

Recommendations: The study recommended that pastoral leaders needs to be trained, motivated and powered for evangelization, each according to his/her specific role in the Church. Based on the study there is need for frequent training of leaders through seminar and workshops which is necessary for the development of the parish and Church as a whole.

Keywords: Pastoral leadership, Leadership, Leadership skills, Leadership styles, Evangelization, Participative leadership and Small Christian Community

Author Biographies

Stephen Muthamia , Tangaza University College

Postgraduate Student, Tangaza University College

Rev. Prof Francesco Pierli , Tangaza University College

Lecturer, Tangaza University College

Rev. Dr. Joseph Healey, Tangaza University College

Lecturer, Tangaza University College


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How to Cite

Muthamia , S. ., Pierli , R. P. F. ., & Healey, R. D. J. . (2020). EFFECTIVE PASTORAL LEADERSHIP IN THE SMALL CHRISTIAN COMMUNITIES FOR EVANGELIZATION IN TIGANIA DEANERY, MERU CATHOLIC DIOCESE, KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 2(4), 1–21. Retrieved from https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/100


