
  • Sylvester Munyalo Malelu Kenya Methodist University
  • Paul Maku Gichohi Kenya Methodist University
  • Eric Mwenda Kenya Methodist University


Purpose of the study: The purpose of this study was to assess determinants for learner’s retention in primary schools in North Horr Sub County, Marsabit County, Kenya. It adopted Vincent Tinto’s model of learner’s departure in investigating the phenomena.

Problem statement: The Kenya government has continued to improve the provision of education for all (EFA) as evidenced by the introduction of free primary education which was started by the National Rainbow Coalition (NARC) government in 2003. Despite effort by the government across the country, learners in North Horr Sub County which has nomadic and pastoralist communities have experienced challenges in acquiring the basic education because of social-cultural factors such as cultural rites, early marriages and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) among others.

Research methodology: The study employed a descriptive survey research design and obtained data from 5 head teachers, 50 members of teaching staff and one Area Education Officer (AEO), using questionnaires and interview guides. SPSS was used to compute mean, percentages and standard deviation while thematic analysis was used on qualitative data.

Findings: The study established that there was high rate of gender imbalance in primary schools in North Horr Sub County, Marsabit County. This was attributed to culture-related factors such as pastoral lifestyle, cultural values, community’s negative attitude towards education, engagement in domestic work, social-economic characteristics, and environmental factors.

Conclusion: The study noted that retention rates in primary schools in North Horr Sub County of Marsabit County were low especially for girls across all the years which was attributed to social-cultural and social-economic factors.

Recommendation: The study recommended that communities and the Ministry of Education should construct more boarding schools, establish mobile schools; sensitize parents on the need for education as an alternative to pastoralism life, and provide guidance and counseling to pupils.

Keywords: Enrolment, retention, education, dropout, socio-cultural factors

Author Biographies

Sylvester Munyalo Malelu, Kenya Methodist University

Kenya Methodist University

Paul Maku Gichohi, Kenya Methodist University

Kenya Methodist University

Eric Mwenda, Kenya Methodist University

Kenya Methodist University


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How to Cite

Malelu, S. M. ., Gichohi, P. M. ., & Mwenda, E. . (2020). DETERMINANTS FOR RETENTION RATES IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN NORTH HORR SUB COUNTY, MARSABIT COUNTY, KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 2(5), 31–40. Retrieved from


