
  • Nderu Martha Waithira The Management University of Africa
  • Dr. Domeniter Naomi Kathula The Management University of Africa


Purpose of the Study: The main aim of this study was to investigate the ramifications of climate change on pastoralism in Kajiado South sub-county. Specifically this study investigated the influence of adaptation strategies used by local pastoral communities and climate change impact on increase on pastoralists’ socio-economic vulnerabilities in Kajiado South Sub County.

Statement of the Problem: Different climate issues such as prolonged droughts have resulted to reduced precipitation which has equally led to the adaptation strategies to mitigate the impact of drought.

Research Methodology: The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. Research target population was; Staff at Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Department, County Assembly of Kajiado Staff and Managers working for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). The sample size was of 23 Staff at Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Department, 42 County Assembly of Kajiado Staff and 40 Managers working for CSOs that were singled out to participate in the study. Stratified and simple random sampling techniques were applied to single out sampled subjects. Questionnaires were employed in the gathering of data from all the study’s sampled subjects in the study area. Data was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively making use of SPSS version 20.0.

Results: Based on study findings demonstrated that local pastoral communities had engaged in community financial rotating cooperatives as an adaptation strategy to address impact of climate change to their pastoral activities in Kajiado South Sub County shown by 53.4% (Mean=3.99). In addition, the study findings revealed that a substantive number of the sampled subjects as illustrated by 55.8% (Mean=3.95) disagreed that climate change impact does not increase pastoral socio-economic vulnerabilities in the form of number of pastoralists that have access to food and this does not have an impact on pastoralism in Kajiado South Sub County.

Conclusion: The study concluded that failure to engage in subsistence farming of vegetables and cereals as an adaptation strategy targeting the impact of variability in climate resulted to its continued adverse impact on pastoralism in the study area. 

Recommendation: From the research findings the study recommended that county governments and CSOs should partner in improving community financial rotating cooperatives such as table banking to encourage the adaptation efforts to climate variability of pastoral communities. 

Keywords: Ramifications, Climate Change, Pastoralism, Adaptations, Strategies, Vulnerabilities

Author Biographies

Nderu Martha Waithira , The Management University of Africa

Graduate Candidate

Dr. Domeniter Naomi Kathula, The Management University of Africa



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How to Cite

Waithira , N. M. ., & Kathula, D. D. N. . (2020). RAMIFICATIONS OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON PASTORALISM IN KAJIADO SOUTH SUB-COUNTY. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 2(6), 1–20. Retrieved from https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/110


