Background of the study: Micro and small enterprises (MSEs) are emerging today as an avenue for employment and a way of improving the social and economic status of the people, especially the poor and marginalized. Over the years, the government of the Republic of Kenya has recognized the importance of the MSE sector as a source of employment, income and inexpensive goods and services, contributing to the country’s social-economic development and poverty reduction.
Objective of the study: This study sought to investigate the effect of microfinance services on the performance of women-based enterprises in Kenya: case of Ongata Rongai Township - Kajiado County.
Methodology: The sample size consisted of 270 women entrepreneurs who operate Micro and small Enterprises (MSE’s). The study employed primary data to achieve its objectives. The response rate was 70%. Performance in terms of sales before and after microfinance loans was measured using Pearson correlation. Results of the study was presented through graphs, chart and tables for easier interpretation. The data was analyzed using both descriptive and using Pearson bivariate summary of correlation.
Findings: One of the study findings was that there, is the significant link between relationship of microfinance loans and the performance of women-based enterprises. Women that access these loans are thus likely to record improved business performance compared to those without access to microfinance loans or any other types of loans. The findings of the study will be important in that they can be used to formulate policies and strategies to promote the growth of MSE’s in the country.
Keywords: Microfinance Services, Performance, Women Based Enterprises, Kajiado County & Kenya
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