
  • Adansi Joana Emefa Kenyatta University
  • Dr. Florence A. Miima Kenyatta University
  • Dr. Adelheid M. Bwire Kenyatta University


Purpose of the study: This paper examined the impact of motivation on junior high school students' interest in reading comprehension in Hohoe municipality.

Research methodology: Literature based study.

Findings: Motivation is one of the essential factors that have a direct impact on the development of comprehension skills. Students are very much interested in any reading material that is with humor, fun, enjoyment and pleasure. Teachers /tutors are the real models and motivators in arousing students' motivation.

Conclusions: Motivation is one of the essential factors that have a direct impact on the development of comprehension skills. There are four types of motivation: Intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, integrative motivation and instrumental motivation. Teachers are the real models and motivators in arousing students' motivation. Besides, based on the literature reviewed, it can be concluded that educational institutions should specifically focus their students' attention on the crucial role of motivation in reading in their instructional courses.

Recommendations: It is recommended that teachers should make the classroom an enjoyable place to stimulate students and increase their confidence, spontaneity and self- stimulation. Teachers need to pay attention to students' interests and their requirements. Furthermore, teachers need to allocate more time for reading of the scripts. Likewise, it is recommended that learners need to be motivated in learning and developing their knowledge through focus on the comprehension skills. In addition, it is recommended that teachers need to go beyond their traditional roles by providing opportunities for their students to become motivated and develop their reading comprehension proficiency.

Keywords: Motivation, extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, integrative motivation, instrumental motivation, interest in reading comprehension.

Author Biographies

Adansi Joana Emefa, Kenyatta University

PhD Candidate, Kenyatta University

Dr. Florence A. Miima , Kenyatta University

Lecturer, Kenyatta University

Dr. Adelheid M. Bwire, Kenyatta University

Lecturer, Kenyatta University


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How to Cite

Joana Emefa, A. ., A. Miima , D. F. ., & M. Bwire, D. A. (2020). IMPACT OF MOTIVATION ON JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS’ INTEREST IN READING COMPREHENSION IN HOHOE MUNICIPALITY: A LITERATURE BASED REVIEW. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 2(8), 1–16. Retrieved from


