
  • Stephen Mbae Muthamia Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA)


Purpose of the study: The study aimed to examine the formation of marriage on Christian families in the Diocese of Meru so as to promote their sustainability.

Statement of the problem: Marriage is a social, cultural and religious institution and Church recognizes marriage and family life as the only acceptable means of passing on and preserving human live. However, in the current society there are signs that the marriage institution is threatened. This is true of traditional as well as Christian marriage and the latter is the concern of the study.

Research methodology: The pastoral circle method with the four moments of insertion, social pastoral analysis, theological reflection and action plan were used in this research. The analysis of these root causes led to the identification of the need for ongoing formation of the family as a sign of the time.

Findings: The need of ongoing family catechesis has been illuminated by teachings of the Church, starting with the bible, the Church fathers, Vatican council II, the Magisterium of the Church and some theologians. This illumination of the teachings of the Church on ongoing formation of Christian families, has led to the pastoral recommendations and suggestions for action in order to improve sustainability of the Christian families.

Conclusion: The family ministry provides systematic and ongoing formation on the value of marriage as a vocation and rediscovery of parenting and mothering as a gift. More consistent and structured formation ought to be biblical, theological, spiritual as well as human existential and pastoral oriented.

Recommendations: In marriage preparation, many advances should be taken into consideration such as programs in parishes, seminars and retreats for couples. Marriage preparation should be done by priests supported by married couples with extensive experience in marriage and family matters.

Keywords: Christian Marriage, Catholic Church and Meru Diocese.

Author Biography

Stephen Mbae Muthamia, Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA)

Masters Candidate, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA)


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How to Cite

Mbae Muthamia, S. (2020). SUSTAINABILITY OF CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE IN MERU CATHOLIC DIOCESE, KENYA: A PASTORAL CHALLENGE. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 2(8), 17–40. Retrieved from


