
  • Murage Cecily Wanjiku University of Nairobi
  • Dr. Mwaura Arthur Munyua University of Nairobi
  • Dr. Jeremiah Nyabuti University of Nairobi


Purpose of the study: The study examined the quality of an urban residential neighbourhood in Umoja I Estate, Nairobi. Notably, the study sought to determine the indicators of quality in an urban residential neighbourhood and the prevailing quality condition in Umoja 1 estate.

Statement of the problem: The building standards adopted and once planned neighbourhoods including Umoja 1, are rapidly transforming into unplanned settlements thus losing their neighbourliness.

Research methodology: Secondary data was obtained from a review of past literature from libraries, resource centers, government agencies and the internet. Primary data was obtained by administration of household questionnaires, holding face-to-face interviews and use of an observation checklist. The population consisted all the stakeholders, institutional, governmental, non-governmental and all the residents of Umoja 1 Estate.

Findings: The findings of the study established that indicators of quality in an urban residential neighbourhood included physical quality, transportation quality, environmental quality, social quality, economic quality and institutional quality.

Conclusion: The study concluded that residential environment of Umoja 1 Estate had metamorphosed since its initial establishment and after the high-rise developments. The study further concluded that indicators of quality in an urban residential neighbourhood included physical quality, transportation quality, environmental quality, social quality, economic quality and institutional quality.

Recommendations: The study recommended that physical quality, transportation quality, environmental quality, social quality, economic quality and institutional quality need to be improved. There should be upgrading possibly by tarmacking or compacting the roads to enable the smooth flow of vehicles and pedestrians into the estate.

Keywords: Indicators, quality, residential, neighbourhood, Umoja, prevailing

Author Biographies

Murage Cecily Wanjiku, University of Nairobi

Post graduate student, University of Nairobi


Dr. Mwaura Arthur Munyua, University of Nairobi

Lecturer, University of Nairobi

Dr. Jeremiah Nyabuti, University of Nairobi

Lecturer, University of Nairobi


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How to Cite

Wanjiku, M. C. ., Munyua, D. M. A. ., & Nyabuti, D. J. . (2020). THE QUALITY OF AN URBAN RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBOURHOOD: A CASE STUDY OF UMOJA I ESTATE, NAIROBI. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 2(8), 41–60. Retrieved from


