
  • David K. M’ Mugambi Management University of Africa
  • Dr. Washington Okeyo Management University of Africa
  • Dr. Magdalene Muthoka Management University of Africa


Background of the Study: Public sector reforms is intended to change public service to be more responsive to citizen needs and ensure ethical service delivery.

Objective of the Study: The aim of this paper is to discuss the impact of public sector reforms on compliance with public service ethics at the devolved County Governments of Kenya.

Methodology: The study is based on systematic review methods to discuss the rationale, drivers, achievement, challenges and the general lessons learned and whether the reform has any effect on public service ethics compliance.

Results and findings: Results showed that in the last thirty years, many countries especially in Africa adopted reforms with varied outcomes and impact on public service ethics compliance. The reviewed literatures have also revealed that implementation of public sector reforms is considered more important for reengineering the public service than compliance with public service ethics. Moreover, review has also identified several barriers including the changing reform paradigm is globally, regionally and nationally well documented. In Africa and Kenya in particular literature on reforms is generally inconclusive on the impact of reforms on compliance with public service ethics. In addition, the review has also identified some important theoretical, conceptual and methodological drawbacks in previous studies that restrict generalization of results to particular contexts such as County Governments.

Recommendations: The recommendation is made for further research focusing on the relationships between strategic leadership and reform implementation and employee commitment to public service ethics compliance.

Keywords: Public Sector Reforms, Public Service Ethics, County Governments, Kenya

Author Biographies

David K. M’ Mugambi, Management University of Africa

PhD Student of Management and Leadership, Management University of Africa

Dr. Washington Okeyo, Management University of Africa

Vice Chancellor, Management University of Africa

Dr. Magdalene Muthoka, Management University of Africa

Lecturer, Management University of Africa


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How to Cite

Mugambi, D. K. M., Okeyo, D. W. ., & Muthoka, D. M. . (2020). PUBLIC SECTOR REFORMS IN COMPLIANCE WITH PUBLIC SERVICE ETHICS: THE CASE OF COUNTY GOVERNMENTS IN KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 2(9), 76–98. Retrieved from


