
  • Mercy Mule Kenya Methodist University
  • Dr. Nancy Rintari (PhD) Kenya Methodist University
  • Abel Moguche Kenya Methodist University


Purpose of the study: The study aimed to investigate the relationship between career development and employee retention.

Statement of the problem: Employee retention especially of the best and most desirable ones is a key challenge in organizations today. Organizations are struggling with cost reduction that is associated with employee recruitment as a result of employee turnover. The problem is also prevalent among county governments in Kenya.

Research methodology: This study adopted descriptive survey research design. The target population was 5,100 employees of County Government of Meru. Out of this, 510 employees were sampled. Data was collected by use of a questionnaire and analyzed using statistical package for social science software. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were generated.

Findings: The correlation results revealed a positive and significant relationship between career development and employee retention (r=0.521, p=0.000).

Conclusions: The study concluded that career development was found to have a significant relationship with employee retention. It was established that offering on job training, off-the-job and overseas training are key contributors in career development that can affect employee retention in the County Government of Meru.

Recommendations: In order to ensure employee retention in the County Government of Meru, the study recommended the need for the County Government to enhance training of employees. This could be done through facilitations to take senior management courses and funding further studies.

Keywords: Career development, employee retention, county government of Meru

Author Biographies

Mercy Mule, Kenya Methodist University

Post Graduate Student, Kenya Methodist University


Dr. Nancy Rintari (PhD), Kenya Methodist University

Lecturer, Kenya Methodist University

Abel Moguche , Kenya Methodist University

Lecturer, Kenya Methodist University


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How to Cite

Mule, M. ., Rintari (PhD), D. N. ., & Moguche , A. . (2020). RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CAREER DEVELOPMENT AND EMPLOYEE RETENTION IN COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF MERU, KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 2(9), 99–109. Retrieved from


