
  • Jacob Bundi Marete Mount Kenya University
  • Dr. Mary Mugwe Mount Kenya University
  • Prof. Pamela Ochieng Mount Kenya University
  • Prof. George N. Reche Gretsa University


Background of the study: This study focused on assessment of the schools communication practices and its influence on students’ unrest management in public secondary school in Meru county of Kenya. In Meru County, the rate of students’ unrest is about 30 % while the national average is about 10% of all cases reported in year 2017. This rate is way above the national average.

Objective of the Study: The objectives of the study was; to determine school communication practices of two way communication and its influence of student unrests in public schools in Meru county of Kenya, to establish whether school management practice of listening skills, and its influence on students unrest management in public secondary schools in Meru county of Kenya, to determine whether school management language skills have influence on schools unrest in Meru county of Kenya and to investigate whether schools have suggestion box system, and its influence on student unrest in schools in Meru Kenya.

Methodology: The study used mixed method of research.

Findings: The conclusion of the study was schools ineffective communication practices of top down communication practices, poor listening skills, poor language skills, lack of timely feedback on student issues and lack of suggestion systems lead to development of conflict leading to student unrest. In addition, the student councils handled many responsibilities in punishing student’s resulting in conflicts and students unrest.

Keywords: Communication, Practices, Listening, Skills, Language Skills, Feedback, Suggestion Box System

Author Biographies

Jacob Bundi Marete , Mount Kenya University

Department of Education and Human Resource Development, School of Education, Mount Kenya University

Dr. Mary Mugwe , Mount Kenya University

School of Education, Mount Kenya University

Prof. Pamela Ochieng , Mount Kenya University

School of Education, Mount Kenya University

Prof. George N. Reche, Gretsa University

School of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, Gretsa University


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How to Cite

Marete , J. B. ., Mugwe , D. M. ., Ochieng , P. P. ., & Reche, P. G. N. . (2020). AN ASSESSMENT OF SCHOOL MANAGEMENT PRACTICES AND ITS INFLUENCE ON STUDENTS’ UNREST MANAGEMENT IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN MERU COUNTY, KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 2(10), 1 – 28. Retrieved from


