
  • Camilus Odhiambo Oduor Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Dr. Benjamin Mulili Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Mr. Ruto Yano Catholic University of Eastern Africa


Purpose of the study: The study sought to investigate the impact of e-commerce adoption on organizational performance among fertilizer manufacturers in the case of Minjingu Mines & Fertilizer Limited.

Statement of the problem: There is limited information on how e-commerce technologies can aid fertilizer manufacturers in enhancing their performance. The current investigation sought to fill this gap in literature by evaluating the impact of ecommerce technologies on the performance of fertilizer manufacturers in the case of Minjingu Mines & Fertilizer Limited.

Research methodology: Quantitative descriptive research design was utilized in the study. The target population was 102 respondents from Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda. The units of observation were regional managers, assistant regional manager, sales representatives and customer relations officer. The study conducted a census.

Findings: Payment option was positively and significantly related to performance (β=.204, p=0.006). Similarly, marketing was positively and significantly related to performance (β=.391, p=0.002). Procurement platform and performance was negatively and insignificantly related to performance (β=-.058, p=0.066). Distribution channel and performance was negatively and insignificantly related to performance (β=-.202, p=0.057).

Conclusions: The adoption of e-commerce as a distribution channel had no significant impact on the performance of Minjingu Mines & Fertilizer Limited. The study also concluded that the adoption of e-commerce as a payment option was the second most significant predictor of performance at Minjingu Mines & Fertilizer Limited. The adoption of e-commerce as a marketing and communication platform was the most significant predictor variable affecting the performance at Minjingu Mines & Fertilizer Limited.

Recommendations: The study recommended the institution (Minjingu Mines & Fertilizer Limited) not to focus on the adoption of e-commerce as a distribution channel. This is because the platform was observed to have no significant impact on the performance of the firm. The organization should also not focus its effort on adopting e-commerce as a procurement platform since it had no impact on firm's performance. The study recommended an increase use in debit and credit cards as payment options allowing clients to securely and efficiently complete business transactions with the firm. The study further recommended a need for the organization to increase its email marketing approach to help personalize its marketing approach and enhance its performance.

Keywords: E-commerce platforms, payment option, branding platform, customer engagement platform, Minjingu Mines & Fertilizer Limited

Author Biographies

Camilus Odhiambo Oduor, Catholic University of Eastern Africa

A post graduate student, Catholic University of Eastern Africa


Dr. Benjamin Mulili, Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Lecturer, Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Mr. Ruto Yano, Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Lecturer, Catholic University of Eastern Africa


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How to Cite

Oduor, C. O. ., Mulili, D. B. ., & Yano, M. R. . (2020). E-COMMERCE ADOPTION AND ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE AMONG FERTILIZER MANUFACTURERS: THE CASE OF MINJINGU MINES & FERTILIZER LIMITED. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 2(10), 75–92. Retrieved from https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/136


