
  • Gabriel Aine Obinyan Ambrose Alli University


This paper takes a look at the need to introduce and intensify entrepreneurship education in library and information science (LIS) schools in Nigeria in an attempt to have the profession adequately integrated into the emerging global knowledge economy. The changing economic landscape in societies around the world and the rapid development and application recorded in the area of information and communication technology and the need to scale up the readiness of LIS professionals to cope made entrepreneurial education imperative. The paper stressed the fact that the spate of economic changes taking place in the world today necessitated the nascent research interest in entrepreneurship study in LIS so as to add value to information and knowledge needed by individuals and organizations that must succeed against co-competitors. In this regard, the paper discussed the relevance of entrepreneurship training requirements for modern LIS professionals, the benefits of such training, and the challenges involved in delivering such training. In this exploratory study, the paper makes the recommendation that present and future LIS professionals be adequately exposed to entrepreneurship education in order to be able to effectively meet the diverse information needs of users in a globalized world, improve on the economic viability of the discipline in the eyes of the public to have their loyalty retained.  

Keywords: Library and information science, Entrepreneurship education, Training, Information products, and services.

Author Biography

Gabriel Aine Obinyan , Ambrose Alli University

Department of Library and Information Science


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How to Cite

Obinyan , G. A. . (2020). NEED FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION IN LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE SCHOOLS IN NIGERIA . African Journal of Emerging Issues, 2(11), 15–33. Retrieved from


