
  • Lojo Kanadi Gagini The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Susan Wasike The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Carolyne Mungai The Catholic University of Eastern Africa


Purpose of the Study: The purpose of this research was to establish the effect of implementation of strategic plan and organizational performances. A case of AIC Kijabe hospital in Kiambu County- Kenya. The study was premised on organizational structure, culture, resources, leadership, and donor policy. The study specifically sought to examine the effects of structure on the performance of Kijabe hospital, to determine the effects of culture on its performance, and to establish whether resources allocation during strategy implementation affects the performance, to establish how leadership had enhanced the performance, and to establish the moderating effects of donor policy on the performance of Kijabe hospital in Kiambu County.

Methodology: The research adopted descriptive survey research design with the target population of 1076 employees of AIC Kijabe hospital. The research used stratified sampling technique to select the sample size. Structured questionnaires and interview guide were used to collect data. Results and Findings: The study revealed that organizational structure and organizational leadership had positive significant relationship with performance, whilst culture, resource and donor policy had no correlation and were not significant in predicting organizational performance. In addition, on observation and interaction with the employees, it was established that religion had taken precedence over culture at the hospital.

Conclusions and Recommendations: The study recommended for both timely and participatory decisions making for effective service delivery. It was also recommended that there was a need to encourage open communication by dismantling the fear of repercussions among the members. Another recommendation was that although, Kijabe hospital was not entirely donor dependent entity, it should take an opportunity to utilize its Mission status to lobby for more grants for its growth and sustainability.

Keywords: Strategy Implementation, Structure, Culture, Resources, Leadership, Donor Policy, Organizational Performance

Author Biographies

Lojo Kanadi Gagini, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Post Graduate Student Masters of Business Administration, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Susan Wasike , The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Lecturer, Strategic Management, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Carolyne Mungai, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Lecturer, Strategic Management, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa


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How to Cite

Gagini, L. K. ., Wasike , S. ., & Mungai, C. . (2020). IMPLEMENTATION OF STRATEGIC PLAN AND ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE: A CASE OF AIC KIJABE HOSPITAL, KIAMBU-KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 2(12), 54–74. Retrieved from


