
  • Peter Olingo Osumba Kenyatta University
  • Paul K. Sang Kenyatta University


Purpose of the Study: The University landscape in Kenya has experienced increased enrollment and demand for academic output amid diminishing resources prompting operational adjustment towards efficiency. Adoption of management science tools has been proposed as a remedy. However, the concept faces a number of challenges including lack of clear understanding of the dimensions and indicators for measurement of operational efficiency in the University context. 

Statement of the Problem: According to World Bank report 2019 on Improving Higher Education Performance in Kenya, 2017/18 global competitiveness index identified fundamental gaps in the quality of graduates transiting from Kenyan universities evidenced by insufficient capacity to innovate, poor work ethics, and an inadequately educated workforce as some of the most challenging factors for doing business in Kenya.

Research Methodology: This study undertook a systematic review of existing theoretical and empirical literature on management science tools, organization capability, organization context and efficiency. The relevant theories and constructs to the study were examined, operational indicators identified and both theoretical and conceptual gaps identified.

Result: Existing literature pointed to successful application of management science tools in efficient management of organizations in other industry though not much research exists in universities.

Conclusion: This paper makes theoretical contributions in management science through inclusion of moderating variable, organization context and mediating variable, organization capability in development of a proposed theoretical model that seeks to guide future studies examining the effect of management science tools on operational efficiency.

Recommendations: This paper recommended an empirical study using the proposed theoretical model in order to establish the relationship between the variables in order to contribute to the body of knowledge on the concept of operational efficiency.

Key Words: Management science tools, organization capability, operational efficiency, organization context

Author Biographies

Peter Olingo Osumba, Kenyatta University

PhD Candidate

Paul K. Sang, Kenyatta University



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How to Cite

Osumba, P. O. ., & Sang, P. K. . (2021). MANAGEMENT SCIENCE TOOLS AND OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY OF PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES IN KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 3(1), 25–42. Retrieved from


