Background of the study: Distance learning is characterised by separation in physical distance between the learner and the lecturers rather than reliance on the conventional pedagogies characterised by interactions between lecturers and students on face-to-face classrooms. With advent of ICTs, distance learning has become an alternative and supplement for face to face learning.
Objective of the study: This study investigated the influence of learner characteristics on use of ICTs on quality of distance teaching and learning in Kenyan Universities. The study was based on Simonson’s equivalency theory.
Research Methodology: The study was guided by mixed methods research approach. Specifically, convergent parallel design was used. The target population was universities that offer programmes through open, distance and e-learning (ODeL) targeting ODeL directors, lecturers who taught ODeL students, ICT technical staff and ODeL students from the selected universities that offer programmes through this mode. A sample size comprised of (4) ODeL directors, (78) lecturers, (4) ICT technical staff and (156) ODeL students. Stratified, systematic and purposive sampling was used to sample the respondents. Among all the universities that offer ODeL programmes, four universities were purposively sampled for the study. Data was collected by use of document analysis guide, questionnaires and interview guide. Cronbach alpha correlation method was used to compute reliability co-efficient which was 0.8095 which was above 0.7 as expected in social sciences. To ensure reliability in qualitative data, interview guide with highly structured questions, with the same format and sequence of words was used for each participant. Descriptive statistics involving mainly frequencies, percentages and means were used to analyse the data. Analysis of quantitative data was done using Predictive Analytical Software (PAS) version 20.0. Qualitative data was coded and analyzed in themes emerging from the narratives.
Findings and Conclusion: It was established that learner characteristics on the use of ICT was significant in influencing quality of distance teaching and learning in Kenyan Universities. The study recommended that to enhance quality in ODeL, institutional support on use of ICTs in distance teaching and learning was very critical.
Keywords: Distance teaching and learning; Quality & Kenyan Universities
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