
  • Charles Momanyi Kisii University


Purpose of the study: The study examined the effect of teaching management strategies on the academic performance of secondary schools in Manga Sub County. The specific objectives of the study were to establish the effect of teaching management strategies, student-centered management strategy, teacher-centered management strategy and assessment strategy on academic performance. Government intervention was used as a moderating variable.

Statement of the Problem: The academic performance of secondary schools in Manga Sub County has been low compared to other secondary schools in other sub-counties. The average mean score posted by the schools is wanting. The average mean score was 5.881 in 2015, 4.187 in 2016, 4.114 in 2017, 4.0951 in 2018 and 4.6359 in 2019. The average mean score is below the average, given that the maximum point is 12.

Research methodology: The study adopted both the descriptive research design and explanatory research design. The targeted population was 33 secondary schools. The units of observation were teachers. The average number of teachers from each school, were 27, thus giving a total of 891 (27*33) teachers. The sample size of teachers 276 that were obtained by using the Yamane formula.

Research findings: Student centered management strategy, teacher centered management strategy and assessment strategy were positively and significantly associated to academic performance. The joint teaching management strategies (assessment management strategy, teacher centered management and student-centered management) were found to be significant in determining academic performance. The teaching management strategies predict 53.5% of change in the academic performance. The regression analysis exhibited a unit increase in student-centered management strategy leads to a rise in academic performance by 0.489 units when other factors are held constant. It was found a unit increase in teacher centered management will result in 0.475 units increase in academic performance. A unit increase in assessment strategy would increase the academic performance by 0.494 units while other factors are held constant. The study found that when government intervention jointly interacts with student centered management strategy, teacher centered management strategy and assessment strategy, the coefficient of determination (R squared) increased from 53.5% to 60.7%.

Conclusions: The study concluded that student centered management strategy, teacher centered management strategy and assessment strategy were positively and significantly related to academic performance.

Recommendation: The study recommended that schools adopt joint teaching management strategies (assessment management strategy, teacher centered management and student-centered management) since they were found to predict 53.5% of academic performance change. The study also recommended schools can employ any of the three-teaching management strategies. The assessment strategy had the highest effect on academic performance and should be the most applied within the schools. There should be continuous assessment tests to reinforce students’ learning of materials in a systematic way. The schools need to have regular formative assessments, give continuous assessment tests.

Keywords: Teaching management strategies, student centered management strategy, teacher centered management strategy, assessment strategy, secondary schools, Manga Sub County, Nyamira County

Author Biography

Charles Momanyi, Kisii University

Kisii University


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How to Cite

Momanyi, C. . (2021). EFFECT OF TEACHING MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES ON ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NYAMIRA COUNTY; A FOCUS OF MANGA SUB COUNTY. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 3(2), 11–30. Retrieved from https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/171


