
  • Mariam Ansaa Animante University of Ghana
  • Harry Akussah University of Ghana,
  • Noah Darko-Adjei University of Ghana


Purpose of the study: The study sought to examine the experiences and perception towards the use of social media for church activities by the Evangelistic Ministry, North Legon and the Maker’s House Chapel International, Kwabenya in Ghana. The adoption of social media by churches is increasing as the world is preparing towards the Fourth Industrial Revolution and currently battling with the novel COVID-19 pandemic.

Research Methodology: The mixed-method approach which involves both qualitative and quantitative techniques was deployed to undertake the research expedition. The Charismatic Evangelistic Ministry, North Legon, and The Makers House Chapel International were purposely selected as a target population for the study. A questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data from a sample size of 152 respondents. Also, 2 head pastors and their deputies, as well as 2 IT personnel, were interviewed.

Findings:  The study found that church leaders and church members, in general, possessed at least some basic computer skills to enable them to access and navigate social media platforms adopted by the churches. The instrumental contribution of social media to the churches was evident as the study revealed the positively perceived usefulness of the social media platforms. This can also be attributed to the fact that the basic skills directly influence the perceived ease of use that the church members possess.

Conclusions: The study concluded that is very cardinal for church members to receive constant training on the use of social media platforms since updates on social media is on the rise. This move will help the church to keep pace with updates on social media use.

Recommendations: The church should provide adequate continuous training for leaders since the functional features of the social media platforms functional features keep changing. Much emphasis should be put on the interface and functional features of the churches' social media platforms that church leaders and members will require to access church programmes. There should be a provision of strong internet connectivity. Internet is the gateway to access social media platforms. Church leaders should be provided with strong and reliable internet access for them to assist church members and keep monitoring the churches' activities on social media platforms. There should be continuous education on policies regarding the use of social media platforms, enforcing members to be abided by them and emphasizing its importance to the church.

Keywords:  Social Media, Platforms, Churches, System, Leaders, Gospel, Charismatic

Author Biographies

Mariam Ansaa Animante, University of Ghana

Department of Information Studies, School of Information and Communication Studies, College of Education, University of Ghana, Legon

Harry Akussah, University of Ghana,

Department of Information Studies, School of Information and Communication Studies, College of Education, University of Ghana, Legon

Noah Darko-Adjei, University of Ghana

Department of Information Studies, School of Information and Communication Studies, College of Education, University of Ghana, Legon


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How to Cite

Animante, M. A. ., Akussah, H. ., & Darko-Adjei, N. . (2021). EXPERIENCES AND PERCEPTION TOWARDS THE USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA FOR CHURCH ACTIVITIES AMONG CHARISMATIC CHURCHES IN GHANA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 3(2), 97–117. Retrieved from https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/176


