


Purpose of the study: The study aims at investigating the contributions of councils of elders to the resilience of traditional justice system in Kenya and in particular, the Njuri Ncheke of Meru in governing Meru community. The guiding research questions were: What role does traditional justice system play in reconciliation and promotion sustainable peace in Meru community? What is the influence of Njuri Ncheke council of elders in governing the contemporary society in Meru community?  What is the role of Njuri Ncheke in governing matters of land disputes in Meru community?  What is the relationship of traditional justice system with modern justice system in Meru community? What is the role of Informal Justice Systems in strengthening access to justice through traditional justice system in Meru community?

Problem statement: In spite of this apparent resilience of Njuri Ncheke in Meru Community, there has not been any systematic investigation to unearth the phenomenon. The contributions of councils of elders to the resilience of traditional justice system in Kenya and in particular, the Njuri Ncheke of Meru in governing Meru community is key in this study.  

Study Methodology: The research was conducted in Meru and Tharaka Nithi Counties and through purposeful sampling had one case study of the Njuri Ncheke council of elders. Data was collected using guided interviews and semi structured questions. The data was collected through a focus group discussion, documents and audio-visual materials. The interest of the researcher was guided by the need to collect in depth data essential to qualitative research. The study examines the literature review to understand the relationship between the traditional justice system and modern justice system in the Meru community. The theoretical framework is anchored on the traditional justice theory and conflict resolution mechanisms and institutions in resolving conflict in governing the Meru community today.

Results of the study: Findings indicated that Njuri Ncheke was viewed as an effective and fair traditional justice system and institution in resolving inheritance related conflict because there was room for appealing to a higher court in case any party was not satisfied with the judgment.

Keywords: Traditional justice system, resolving disputes, governing, Ameru people

Author Biography




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