
  • James Kamau Waribu Kisii University


The Constitution of Kenya 2010 ushered in new structures of governance: The National government and the County governments, which became operational in 2013. Counties are expected to bring services closer to the citizens. Different government agencies have reported many cases where counties have low absorption of development funds, use of funds in areas not captured in CIDPs. The objective of this study is to explore the role of innovation in execution of development plans by county governments in Kenya. A survey was undertaken from government officers from five counties which were 10% of forty-seven counties who comprised of 5 County Secretaries, 5 Heads of Monitoring and Evaluation, 5 Chairs of Public Accounts Committees and 5 Clerks of the County Assemblies. Others are 48 Chief Officers and 55 Directors. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The questionnaire was used as the data collection instrument. Data analysis and interpretation was based on descriptive statistics and inferential statistics namely. The results indicated a moderate, positive and significant correlation between envisioning and execution of county integrated development plans by county governments in Kenya (r=0.644, p-value< .093).

Keywords: Innovation; Development plans; Strategy; County Government and Strategic Leadership.

Author Biography

James Kamau Waribu, Kisii University

Department of Business Administration, Kisii University


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How to Cite

Waribu, J. K. . (2021). EXPLORING THE ROLE OF INNOVATION IN EXECUTION OF COUNTY INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLANS BY COUNTY GOVERNMENTS IN KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 3(2), 145–164. Retrieved from https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/178


