Purpose of the Study: The aim of this thesis was to investigate the challenges facing young adults in the Catholic Diocese of Nyahururu, in order to help them embrace leadership in Small Christian Communities for deeper evangelization (CDN).
Statement of the Problem: It was evident that in the local Church some of the young adults were not moved to active participation in the pastoral activities of Small Christian Communities, like public worship. They did not live a life of true witness to the Gospel, they were not enlightened in the affairs of the church and so they were not so abreast with the self-ministering aspect for life of SCCs. The observations in the parishes, and in Small Christian Communities revealed that majority of the leaders were elderly people who had a lot of health problems, thus whenever there were pastoral council meetings and Church activities, many failed to attend due to their frail health. This was a clear indication that there were many challenges facing the parish and the Small Christian Communities when it comes to both the young and the elderly in the parishes. The Diocese having celebrated eighteen years since it was inaugurated, there would be need to ask why the young adults were not active in the Church and especially in SCCs. Having said that, an effort should be made to help improve the situation in the Catholic Diocese of Nyahururu on how to welcome and foster the leadership of the young adults. Perhaps, the young adults are in need of deeper evangelization in order to embrace leadership in small Christian communities, or the Church needs to embrace the leadership of more young people in order to evangelize in the modern world.
Methodology: Methodologically the study employed the four moments of the pastoral circle namely; insertion, social analysis, theological reflection and finally the pastoral planning or action plan.
Result: The study found that the challenge of inactive participation was due to lack of knowledge in the theology of the Church as a family of God in the communion of SCCs. Additionally, the lack of sufficient knowledge, poor leadership and poor catechesis emerged as some of the main factors behind the challenge. Theologically the study sought to reflect on the Church position for guidance on the challenges facing young adults in the Catholic Diocese of Nyahururu, in order to help them embrace leadership in Small Christian Communities for deeper evangelization. This was achieved through reflecting on the scriptures, patristic and apostolic fathers, the magisterium of the Vatican Council II, Pontifical discourses, local and regional Synods, various theologians and personal human experience.
Conclusion: The study finalized by giving pastoral recommendations aimed at bringing about transformation and liberation for the young adults in the Catholic Diocese of Nyahururu. These included; need for family Catechesis, transforming world of young adults, help the young adults Discover value and use their spiritual gifts, encourage them to live a community life, give the young adults responsibilities, involve the young adults with the youth and children ministry, change of attitude towards single parenthood, practical guidelines to guide accompaniments of young adults, ongoing formation through capacity building, introduction of relevant pastoral activities.
Keywords: Promotion, Young Adults, Small Christian Communities, Leadership.
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