
  • Bernard Theodora Tangaza University College
  • Remigius Ikpe Tangaza University College
  • Timothy Lockwood Tangaza University College


Statement of the Problem: Though spiritual direction among temporary professed, Daughters of St Paul in Nairobi Kenya has been practiced, there is still need for improvement through the implementation of listening for fruitful formation and integral growth. The researcher concludes that if this skill is not employed, the sisters will still find spiritual direction not interesting and consequently they will have unbalanced growth. Through this study, the researcher hopes to find a solution to the improvement of the practice of spiritual direction.

Purpose of the Study: This study investigates the role of Spiritual direction in the integral formation of the temporary professed sisters of the Daughters of St Paul in Nairobi Kenya. The objective of the study is to investigate the value of listening in spiritual direction for integral formation of temporary professed sisters of the Daughters of St Paul in Nairobi Kenya.

Research Methodology: The study is guided by the five stages of the Ignatian Pedagogy. The author used qualitative research method in which data was collected through interview guide and focused group discussion guide. Under qualitative research method, the author used case study design and phenomenology, which looks on people’s experiences in a specific group.

Findings: The findings of the study show that proper implementations of listening, facilitates the improvement of the practice of spiritual direction. The study also indicates that training of the spiritual directors is essential for the effective spiritual direction. For fuller freedom, openness and in order to avoid the confusion of the roles, the study reveals that it is advisable to have a spiritual director outside the community.

Conclusion: The study concludes that the implementation of the listening will improving the practices of spiritual direction.

Recommendations: There should be more trained persons for spiritual direction in order to facilitate smooth running of the practice of the spiritual direction.

Key Words: Spiritual direction, integral formation, temporary professed sisters.

Author Biographies

Bernard Theodora , Tangaza University College

Postgraduate Student, Tangaza University College

Remigius Ikpe, Tangaza University College

Lecturer, Tangaza University College

Timothy Lockwood, Tangaza University College

Lecturer, Tangaza University College



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How to Cite

Theodora , B., Ikpe, R. ., & Lockwood, T. . (2021). THE PRACTICE OF SPIRITUAL DIRECTION IN THE INTEGRAL FORMATION OF TEMPORARY PROFESSED SISTERS OF THE DAUGHTERS OF ST PAUL, NAIROBI, KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 3(5), 72–96. Retrieved from


