Background of the Study: This study investigated how the values of Ameru spiritual practices and Christian values may be inculturated for religious and vocational growth among the youth in the Catholic Diocese of Meru.
Purpose of the Study: The objectives of this study were to explore how the Ameru values of ancestral veneration and Christian values can better be inculturated; how the Ameru traditional approach to prayer and Christian values may be inculturated; how the values of Ameru sacrifices and offerings can be inculturated. The study also sought to find out other Ameru spiritual practices and Christian values that may be inculturated for religious and vocational growth. The study was guided by John Westerhoff’s (2012) four stages of growth and development in faith: Experienced, affiliative, searching and owned faith.
Methodology: The study adopted mixed methods research design that was both qualitative and quantitative. Data was collected by administering questionnaires with open-ended and close-ended items. The target population was 200, with a sample of 102 participants, which included elders, deans, pastoral coordinator, religious, teachers, parish priests and youth leaders from the Catholic Diocese of Meru, Kenya.
Results and Findings: The findings of the study revealed that inculturating Ameru spiritual practices and Christian values could lead to religious and vocational growth among the youth. The results showed that the witness of the elders, the deans, pastoral coordinator, religious, teachers, parish priests and youth leaders was very important.
Recommendations: The study highlighted the need for involvement of the whole society in this process of inculturating of the spiritual practices.
Keywords: Ancestral veneration, Inculturation, Spiritual Practices, Religious and vocational growth, Family, Clan & Community.
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