
  • Charity Kinya Koronya University of Nairobi
  • Charles Owuor Olunga University of Nairobi
  • George Odipo University of Nairobi


Background: This study sought to assess beliefs of induced abortion in the Igembe community. The study examined beliefs and practices on induced abortion on women. The research was guided by the following objective: to assess beliefs and practices on induced abortion among the Igembe community of Eastern Kenya.

Material and methods: Data was collected using case narratives, in-depth interviews (IDI) and focus group discussions (FGD. Transcripts were generated verbatim and data was analyzed thematically based on the study objectives. The findings reveal that pregnancy among the Igembe community was adored if a girl was circumcised, engaged and married. Respondents reported knowing a woman who had once procured an abortion or someone who once had facilitated a woman to induce abortion in Igembe.

Result: The study revealed that inducing abortion was culturally acceptable and recognized in Igembe community especially when an uncircumcised girl became pregnant or when an uncircumcised boy got a girl pregnant. Such an abortion was procured by men specifically trained by elders for that purpose. Induced abortion practices included isolation of the pregnant girl/woman from the family and age mates, counselling of the pregnant girl in preparation of the induced abortion, cleansing of the girl and the family after the induced abortion, use of herbs and rolling of banana stalks on the girl’s/woman’s stomach and insertion of objects in the girl’s/woman's private parts to induce abortion.

Conclusion: The study concludes that women were subjected to induced abortion to ensure social norms are adhered to and to reduce pre-marital sex. Many women continue to procure abortion among the Igembe and traditional approaches and government legislation have not been successful in achieving positive outcomes against the practice. Further, religious beliefs, traditions and socio-cultural norms continue to stigmatize and condemn women who procure abortion. In addition, the study concluded that abortion decision making by the concerned women is motivated by both internal and external forces that are carefully considered.

Key Words: Beliefs, Cultural practices, Induced abortion,

Author Biographies

Charity Kinya Koronya, University of Nairobi

Institute of Anthropology, Gender and African Studies, University of Nairobi

Charles Owuor Olunga, University of Nairobi

Institute of Anthropology Gender and African Studies, University of Nairobi

George Odipo, University of Nairobi

Population Studies and Research Institute, University of Nairobi


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How to Cite

Koronya, C. K. ., Olunga, C. O. ., & Odipo, G. . (2021). TO ASSESS BELIEFS AND PRACTICES ON INDUCED ABORTIONS AMONG THE IGEMBE COMMUNITY OF EASTERN KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 3(6), 17–45. Retrieved from


