
  • Irakoze Gisele The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Thomas Githui The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Agnes Muhavani The Catholic University of Eastern Africa


Purpose of the Study: The main objective of this study was to examine the effect of financing option on financial performance of apparel and textile manufacturing companies in Nairobi.

Statement of the Problem: Despite the government efforts in improving macroeconomic conditions and market de-regulation, the financial performance of the manufacturing sector in Kenya according to the Kenya Economic report 2018 regarding contribution to GDP has remained below the medium-term plan and Vision 2030 targets.

Methodology: The study employed a descriptive research design and targeted top and middle level managers in the 39 apparel and textile manufacturing companies in Nairobi. The study used both stratified sampling and purposive sampling techniques to select a sample size of 156 respondents. The study used questionnaire to collect primary data from the respondents. The data was analyzed with the aid of SPSS using both descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The findings were presented on tables, charts and bars.

Result: The study found that equity financing had a positive and significant effect on financial performance of apparel and textile manufacturing companies (β =.210, p=.006<.05), debt financing had a positive but insignificant effect on financial performance of apparel and textile manufacturing companies (β =.042, p=.603>.05), retained earnings had a positive and significant effect on financial performance of apparel and textile manufacturing companies (β=.420, p=.000<.05). Finally, the study found that crowd financing as financing option had a positive and significant effect on financial performance of apparel and textile manufacturing companies (β=.165, p=.038<.05).

Conclusion: The study concluded that financing option acts as a basis of investment decision and a company’s financial performance is extensively influenced by the proposition of mix financing and the choice of the appropriate mix of different sources of short and long term funds is one of the critical decision needs that have to be taken by the management of the company.

Recommendation: The study recommended that the government should be instrumental in offering loan facilities for textile and apparel industries as currently very companies have used this method of financing. Such available loans are for start-ups and it may be important to create such financing options for these companies too.

Keywords: Financing options Financial Performance Apparel, Textile, Manufacturing, Equity, Debt, Retained, Crowd financing.

Author Biographies

Irakoze Gisele, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Master’s Student

Thomas Githui , The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Lecturer, School of Business

Agnes Muhavani, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Lecturer, School of Business


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How to Cite

Gisele, I. ., Githui , T. ., & Muhavani, A. . (2021). FINANCING OPTIONS AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF APPAREL AND TEXTILE MANUFACTURING COMPANIES IN NAIROBI, KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 3(6), 107–130. Retrieved from


