
  • Ismail Ahmed Mohamed Management University of Africa
  • Emanuel Awuor Management University of Africa


Purpose: This research focused on effect of leadership styles on employee job satisfaction in the Five Star Hotels; A case of Boma Hotel, Nairobi.

Methodology: The research study used the descriptive research design. Main data collection instrument was a structured questionnaire which was used to collect data on the various leadership styles such as transformational, transactional, democratic and autocratic on employee job satisfaction. To accomplish this, the research study focused on Boma Hotel in Nairobi with a target population of 50 employees. The study adopted a census sampling method and the questionnaires issued electronically to the top, middle and bottom level management. The instrument’s reliability was tested using Cronbach Alpha of 0.7 at 95% of confidence level. Collected data was coded for ease of analysis using the SPSS computer package version 23 to generate both inferential and descriptive statistics. The inferential statistics was performed by undertaking a regression analysis on the dependent variable (job satisfaction) and independent variables (transformational, transactional, democratic and autocratic) to make inference.

Results: The study established a positive and statistically significant association between leadership styles and employee job satisfaction as demonstrated by a p value of 0.010, which was less than the conventional 0.05. The findings show the dominance of the autocratic leadership style in the hotel.

Conclusions and Recommendations: The study concludes from the results that most organizational functions are inclined to improving hotel performance with little regard to employee welfare. The major recommendations are that hotels should consider involving the employees in decision making to create some form of ownership and subsequently trigger commitment towards attainment of organizational goals.

Keywords: hospitality industry, job satisfaction, Leadership styles

Author Biographies

Ismail Ahmed Mohamed, Management University of Africa

School of Business

 Management University of Africa

Emanuel Awuor, Management University of Africa

Associate Professor, School of Management and Leadership

Management University of Africa


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How to Cite

Mohamed, I. A. ., & Awuor, E. . (2021). LEADERSHIP STYLES AND EMPLOYEE JOB SATISFACTION IN THE FIVE STAR HOTELS IN KENYA: A CASE OF BOMA HOTEL IN NAIROBI. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 3(7), 24–34. Retrieved from https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/214


