
  • Agossou Arthur Blaise Strasbourg University
  • Raphael Diekstra Strasbourg University


Purpose of the study: Music is a necessary communication channel with each age and each period with its type and style of music. The study sought to examine the influence of music and musical education on youth development in France.

Research Methodology: The study was a literature based. The study inferences were based on the findings from the preceding studies.

Research Findings: It was found that music and musical education have a positive influence on youth development in France. Music is critical and leads to better brain development, increases human connection, helps to socialise and even lowers stress levels. It was found that music helps students to unwind and get a break from their classes. Moreover, the study found that music education helps students learn to memorize and process patterns. Music is an important part of our life as it is a way of expressing our feelings as well as emotions. Some people consider music as a way to escape from the pain of life.

Conclusions:  The research concluded that music and musical education have a positive and significant influence on youth development. Music can raise someone's mood, get them excited, or make them calm and relaxed. The study concluded that musical education stimulates and trains the same part of the brain that deals with understanding language. Music is a universal language and helps youth connect to other cultures and understand the world around them.

Recommendations: The study recommended that music can be encouraged among youth to enhance their psychological and emotional development. The music education helps students learn to memorize and process patterns. Music is an important part of life as it is a way of expressing feelings and emotions. Music is a universal language and helps youth connect to other cultures and understand the world around them. The school management should consider introducing music classes as part of the syllabus. The government need to incorporate music learning in the syllabus.

Keywords: Music, Musical Education, Youth Development, France

Author Biographies

Agossou Arthur Blaise , Strasbourg University

Student, Strasbourg University

Raphael Diekstra, Strasbourg University

Lecturer, Strasbourg University


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How to Cite

Blaise , A. A., & Diekstra, R. . (2021). INFLUENCE OF MUSIC AND MUSICAL EDUCATION ON YOUTH DEVELOPMENT IN FRANCE. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 3(9), 9–18. Retrieved from


