
  • Miriam Chebet Management University of Africa
  • Samwel Thiong'o Management University of Africa


Purpose of the Study: The study investigated the influence of trade promotion on marketing performance of Nairobi Bottlers Limited. The study was informed by marketing theory. The study adopted a descriptive research design.

Statement of the Problem: Despite the fact that Nairobi Bottlers Ltd runs numerous sales promotions each year, promotion managers are often confronted with the task of defending the issue of the effect of sales promotions on the company's profitability.

Methodology: The study population comprised of 83 employees working in the top, middle and low management levels in Nairobi Bottlers Company. The researcher used census technique to incorporate all the 83 respondents. The researcher used questionnaire to collect the primary data desirable for the study. A pilot study was conducted in Pepsi- Cola (EA) Ltd in Nairobi. The data collected was recorded in research logs and then edited to get rid of any errors or any irrelevant information. Quantitative data was analyzed by means Statistical Package for Social Sciences. While qualitative data was analyzed thematically and verbatim reporting. The analyzed data was presented in tables of frequencies and percentages, charts and bar graphs.

Result: The findings revealed a moderate positive and statistically significant connection between trade promotion and marketing performance of Nairobi bottlers Ltd (r = 0.441; p 0.05), as shown in Table 5. This indicates that trade promotion improves Nairobi Bottlers Ltd's marketing success.

Conclusion: From the findings the study concluded that there was a moderate positive and statistically significant correlation between trade promotion and marketing performance of Nairobi bottlers Ltd (r = 0.441; p < 0.05).

Recommendation: The researcher recommended that more resources should be directed into sales promotion, which is critical since the amount spent on sales promotion has already surpassed the amount spent on advertising.

Keywords: Trade Promotion, Marketing Performance, Sales promotion, Nairobi bottlers.

Author Biographies

Miriam Chebet , Management University of Africa

Post Graduate Student

Samwel Thiong'o , Management University of Africa

Lecturer, School of Management and Leadership


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How to Cite

Chebet , M. ., & Thiong’o , S. . (2021). INFLUENCE OF TRADE PROMOTION ON MARKETING PERFORMANCE OF NAIROBI BOTTLERS LIMITED. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 3(9), 87–99. Retrieved from


