• Chikere O. Odochie Covenant University
  • Charles Woolf George Covenant University
  • Achilefu O. Adebowale Covenant University


Purpose of the Study: The main purpose of the study was to investigate the impact of western television programmes on the cultural values of Nigeria youths through literature and empirical review.

Methodology: The study applied a multi-stage strategy where the population was divided in to a number of groups from which the sample was drawn from one thousand youth selected to form a reparative population and at the secondary sampling stage the researcher employed proportionate stratification and the sample size of each stratum was proportionate to the size of the stratum.

Result: More exposure to Western television content(s) tends to identify Western television stars as models and the improvement of local television movies in quality and standard will increase Nigerian students’ preference for local television product. A number of major conclusions may be drawn from the result and findings of this study.

Recommendation: The study recommends that the Nigerian journalists should be aware of their responsibilities towards the community which is the principle way of helping development. As long as they realizes that the conduct of their duty and bearing in mind what is good for the society, then they will always guard against feeding their audience with imperialistic messages.

Keywords: Western television programmes, Cultural values, Nigerian youth, Imo state.


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How to Cite
Odochie, C. O., George , C. W., & Adebowale , A. O. (2021). WESTERN TELEVISION PROGRAMMES AND THE CULTURAL VALUES OF NIGERIA YOUTHS: LITERATURE AND EMPIRICAL PESPECTIVE FROM IMO STATE. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 3(10), 1 - 14. Retrieved from https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/236