• Johnson Ikiugu Masai Mara University
  • Florence Kisirkoi Masai Mara University
  • Paul Maithya Masai Mara University


Purpose: Schools have continued to report cases of indiscipline and poor performance, despite the establishment of student councils in secondary schools. This study sought to examine the effect of participation of student councils in subject selection on school discipline in public secondary schools in Meru County.

Methodology: The study adopted mixed methods research design. The target population was deputy principals, heads of departments of guidance and counselling, and presidents of student councils all drawn from 326 secondary schools of Meru County summing up to a total population of 978. Questionnaires were used to collect data from heads of guidance and counselling department and presidents of student councils while interviews schedules were used to collect data from deputy principles.

Results: Results revealed that student council involvement in subject selection had an effect on the student’s level of discipline in secondary schools.

Conclusions and Recommendations: The school administration should involve student councils in school governing activities. Student councils should be involved in decision making like planning of co curriculum activities, entertainments, choice of school uniform, and subject selection.

Keywords: Student Councils, Participation, Subject selection, Discipline, Public Secondary Schools

Author Biographies

Johnson Ikiugu, Masai Mara University

Department of Education Management, Masai Mara University

Florence Kisirkoi, Masai Mara University

Department of Education Management, Masai Mara University

Paul Maithya, Masai Mara University

Department of Education Management, Masai Mara University


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How to Cite
Ikiugu, J., Kisirkoi, F., & Maithya, P. (2021). EFFECT OF PARTICIPATION OF STUDENT COUNCILS IN SUBJECT SELECTION ON SCHOOL DISCIPLINE IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN MERU COUNTY. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 3(11), 43 - 61. Retrieved from https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/247