• Saronge Ngala Bonnyventure Management University of Africa
  • Dr. John Cheluget, Ph.D Management University of Africa
  • Dr. Michael Ngala, Ph.D Co-operative University of Kenya


Background of the Study: Multi-actor or integrative leadership embraces the leadership skills, traits, behaviors, styles and situational variables, which describes the effectiveness of a leader. Integrative leadership brings together diverse groups and organizations in semi-permanent ways and typically across sector. Currently, the leadership researchers are more interested in developing and testing integrative leadership models which synthesizing the existing literature on leadership effectiveness. However, little has been done on the moderating role of strategy implementation and on the relationship between integrative leadership and organizational performance.

Objective of the Study: This study sought to examine the relationship between integrative leadership and organizational performance. The moderating role of strategy implementation on the relationship between integrative leadership and organizational performance.

Research Methodology: This study utilized a mixed-method approach by using quantitative and qualitative data. The study also used a cross-sectional survey study. The target population consisted of 60 airfields in Kenya that are licensed by Kenya Airports Authority. Structured questionnaires were used to collect primary and secondary data.

Results and findings: The study findings indicated that there is a significant relationship between integrative leadership and the performance of Airfields in Kenya. The results also indicated that there is a significant mediating effect of strategy implementation on the relationship between integrative leadership and the performance of airfields in Kenya. The mediation effect was established to be partial given that the causal relationship is still significant with the introduction of strategy implementation.

Recommendations: The study recommended that the researchers recommend that it is important for the airfields to be pragmatic in their approach when dealing with employees, enhance teamwork and win the hearts of the staff since their actions determine the success in strategy implementation that eventually leads to superior performance.

Keywords: Integrative leadership, Strategy Implementation, Organizational performance and Airfields

Author Biographies

Saronge Ngala Bonnyventure, Management University of Africa

Management and Leadership, School of Management and Leadership, The Management University of Africa, Kenya

Dr. John Cheluget, Ph.D , Management University of Africa

Lecturer, School of Management and Leadership, Management University of Africa

Dr. Michael Ngala, Ph.D, Co-operative University of Kenya

Lecturer, School of Business and Economics, Cooperative University of Kenya


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