Purpose of the Study: This study sought to explore the contribution of interdenominational marriages toward Christian unity. It focused on the relationship between interdenominational marriages and Christian unity at the Anglican Church of Kenya, Nakuru Diocese, focusing on the Nakuru Archdeaconry. In particular, the study sought to establish if there is any relationship between interdenominational marriages and Christian unity and whether these marriages can be used to enhance Christian unity.
Statement of the Problem: Interdenominational marriages are increasing today regardless of the challenges surrounding these marriages. Ironically, despite the historic challenge of Christian unity, Christians from different denominations can settle together in marriage overlooking their denominational differences. What can we learn from these marriages? Can these interdenominational marriages be an avenue for enhancing Christian Unity today?
Method/Methodology: The study employed the concurrent embedded strategy of the mixed-method research approach to answer the three research questions. The research targeted 177 interdenominational couples from the Nakuru archdeaconry and 85 clergies from the Nakuru diocese. Majorly quantitative data were collected from 111 interdenominational couples using questionnaires, while qualitative data was collected using interview guides administered among 15 clergies of the Anglican Church of Kenya Nakuru Diocese. The quantitative data was coded and entered into Statistical Package for Social sciences (SPSS) for analysis. Descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages, and means were used in the analysis, and the results were presented in tables and charts. Qualitative data was analysed and presented thematically using summaries.
Results of the Study: Results showed that interdenominational marriages positively impact Church unity as they promote interaction between Christians of different denominations and foster acceptance and understanding of differences in doctrines and beliefs.
Conclusion and Policy Recommendation: Based on the finding, the study recommends that the leadership at the Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) and other churches offer support by accepting them and offering pre-marital and post-marriage counselling to interdenominational marriages as an instrument of promoting Christian unity.
Keywords: Interdenominational marriages, Christian Unity, Anglican Church of Kenya, ecumenism, interchurch marriages
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