Purpose of the study: The study sought to examine the impact of human resource development on employees' productivity in service firms in the USA. Human resource development plays a crucial role in the nation's economic growth.
Statement of the problem: The employee turnover within the service industry in the country has been growing. Individuals have complained in some cases and have gone on strikes rampantly.
Methodology: The study employed a desktop review. The study's conclusions were based on the findings from the previous studies.
Findings: The study discovered that human resource growth is essential for increasing productivity, particularly in companies that offer exceptional services. Human resource development is meant to efficiently utilize an available knowledgeable workforce and adequately use existing human resources in the organization.
Conclusions: The study concluded that organizations are required to reassess the way they represent themselves regarding brand image and make sure that their culture is attractive to potential applicants. Additionally, there is a need to keep up-to-date with recent human practice procedures to attract the most effective professionals who would certainly intend to be related to the company.
Recommendations: The study recommended that more sensitization be carried out in the area of on-the-job training to promote efficiency and effectiveness in the management of procedures in the firm. The organizations are expected to review their human resource development practices to equip staff members with needed skills and attitudes.
Keywords: Human resource development, Productivity, Service Firms, United States of America
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