
  • Arthur Okolla Shikanda Kabarak University, Kenya
  • Prof. Gladys Jerobon Kiptiony, PhD Kabarak University, Kenya
  • Dr. James Kay Muthama Ndiso, PhD Kabarak University, Kenya


Purpose of the study: The present study sought to contribute to knowledge production on the link between clergy emotional exhaustion and mental health by empirically investigating the influence of emotional exhaustion on mental health of clergy in Kenya using the case of Christ Is the Answer Ministries.

Short introduction of problem statement: Emotional exhaustion is a complex phenomenon associated with the clergy profession. Its implication on mental health of clergy makes it a subject of continuing psychosocial importance. This is because effectiveness of clergy in ministry depends on their mental health. However, its implications on mental health of clergy in Kenya has not been adequately addressed in literature.

Method/methodology: A combination of descriptive and correlational research design was used. Christ Is The Answer Ministries was selected for the research. The focus of this study was 91 clergy members of CITAM. The accessible population was 86 clergy members based in Kenya. Scale of Emotional Exhaustion in Ministry was used to measure emotional exhaustion prevalence levels. Mental health was measured using a simple 5-point Likert scale developed after examining both the Riff’s Psychological Well-Being Scale and Warwick-Edinburgh Mental-Wellbeing Scale. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques such as mean and standard deviation. Spearman’s Rank Correlation was used to estimate correlation of study variables.

Results of the study: Clergy mental health was negatively and significantly correlated to feelings of emotional drain, perceived emotional breakdown. Overall, emotional exhaustion score was not statistically significant. The adverse impact of emotional exhaustion was potentially tempered by fulfilment from undertaking clergy work.

Conclusion and recommendation: Emotional exhaustion is prevalent among members of the clergy profession. Given that members of the clergy are often among the first responders to traumatic experiences of members of the congregation, interventions that enhance the frequency and depth of Psychological First Aid by professional counsellors should be enhanced. Clergy should also be equipped with self-care strategies to navigate the psychological ramifications of the profession.

Keywords: Emotional Exhaustion, Clergy, Mental Health, Psychological Resources, Psychological First Aid

Author Biographies

Arthur Okolla Shikanda, Kabarak University, Kenya

Department of Counselling Psychology, Kabarak University


Prof. Gladys Jerobon Kiptiony, PhD, Kabarak University, Kenya

Department of Counselling Psychology, Kabarak University, Kenya

Dr. James Kay Muthama Ndiso, PhD, Kabarak University, Kenya

Department of Counselling Psychology, Kabarak University, Kenya


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How to Cite

Shikanda, A. O., Kiptiony, G. J., & Ndiso, . J. K. M. (2022). EMOTIONAL EXHAUSTION AND ITS EFFECT ON CLERGY MENTAL HEALTH IN KENYA: A CASE OF CHRIST IS THE ANSWER MINISTRIES. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 4(7), 98–113. Retrieved from https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/313


