
  • Muhammad Imran Tanveer University of Gujrat
  • Usman Humera Shahid University of Gujrat
  • Sarah Asif Zafar University of Gujrat


Purpose of the study: The manufacturing sector plays an important role in any economy and has many benefits for economic transformation. The study sought to examine the impact of material management on the performance of textile manufacturing firms in Pakistan.

Statement of the problem: The manufacturing firms in Pakistan have not been operating optimally. Some textile firms such as Punjab Cotton Mills Limited, Glamour Textile Mills Limited and Adil Textile Mills Limited were delisted from Pakistan Stock Exchange. This formed the basis of the current study to examine whether any relationship exists between material management and the performance of textile manufacturing firms in Pakistan.

Research methodology: The study adopted the descriptive research design. The study collected data from six textile manufacturing firms in Islamabad. These firms included Shaheryar Apparel Industry, Azalea (Pvt) Ltd, Kohinoor Textile Mills Limited, Jugnu's Couture, SheWorks Pvt. Ltd and Saif Textile Mills Limited. The collection of the data was done using questionnaires. The study embraced structured questionnaires to collect the data. The analysis of the data was done using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study results were presented in Tables.

Findings: The study found that material management has an impact on performance. It was revealed that material management positively and significantly impacts the performance of textile manufacturing firms in Pakistan. Materials management is a core function of supply chain management, involving the planning and executing of supply chains to meet the material requirements.

Conclusion: The study concluded that material management is a key factor determining the performance of textile manufacturing firms in Pakistan. Materials management is a planning method, organizing and controlling the activities related to the flow of materials in a company. Materials management is vital because it enables an organization to order and classify inventories accurately.

Recommendations: The study recommends that textile manufacturing firms in Pakistan should take many considerations in material management. The companies need to ensure an effective management team/professionals mandated with material management. The firms need to ensure that the rate of spoilage and waste is decreased and that products attain quality standards. There is a need to train employees in the sector of material management to improve their knowledge of the work. 

Keywords: Material management, performance, textile manufacturing firms, Pakistan

Author Biographies

Muhammad Imran Tanveer, University of Gujrat

Postgraduate student, University of Gujrat

Usman Humera Shahid, University of Gujrat

Lecturer, University of Gujrat

Sarah Asif Zafar , University of Gujrat

Lecturer, University of Gujrat


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How to Cite

Tanveer, M. I., Shahid, U. H. ., & Zafar , S. A. . (2022). IMPACT OF MATERIAL MANAGEMENT ON PERFORMANCE OF TEXTILE MANUFACTURING FIRMS IN PAKISTAN. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 4(9), 1–11. Retrieved from


