Purpose of the study: Training is an organized initiative to promote skills development and behavior of workers. Hence, the study sought to examine the effect of teachers training programmes on student achievement among Oregon High Schools in the USA.
Research methodology: The study was literature based. The findings presented were based on the preceding studies.
Findings: The study found that teachers' training programmes have a positive impact on student achievement. Teacher training is the process of teaching or learning the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to be a teacher in an educational setting. Training designed to help teachers improve their teaching practices. The successful execution of in-service education training programmes is advantageous to all stakeholders in education and enhances student achievement in senior high schools.
Conclusion: The research concluded that the training of school teachers enhances their knowledge, subsequently improving student achievement. Teachers got adequate knowledge to act and deal professionally. The training programs increase the efficiency of the teachers positively. The higher the efficiency of the teachers, the higher the students’ achievements. The student's academic achievement can be enhanced by prioritizing the enhancement of the programs to increase the skills of the teachers.
Recommendations: It was recommended that schools should design good and functioning in-service training programs for their teachers to improve student achievement. Learning institution administrations need to ensure teachers training is done more often to conform to the rapidly transforming environment in learning institutions. Teachers should be offered autonomy in using their ideas to ensure they contribute positively to learning institutions' efficiency and student achievement. Teachers need to be exposed to workshops, conferences, seminars, and regular professional training in career advancement, pre-service and off-the-job-pupilage training. The study recommends that all teachers are required to invest in training to boost the student achievement. Stakeholders should organize in-service teachers' training and training refresher courses because these are the most substantial elements of staff development.
Keywords: Training programmes, teacher, student achievement, Oregon high schools, USA.
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