
  • Söderman Pentz Mohammed University of Vienna
  • Horta Javad Kalajdzic University of Vienna
  • Sadq Zarif Herzog University of Vienna


Purpose of the study: The study examined the effect of advertising on the sales growth of soft drinks at coca-cola HBC in Austria.

Research problem: The level of competition has been stiff. The number of companies selling similar products increases the competition level. Thus, poor marketing stratifies can lead to losses and poor financial performance. This formed the current study's rationale to examine advertising's effect on sales growth.

Research methodology: The study adopted the descriptive research design. The sample size was 381employees who were picked from the organization. The collection of the data was done using questionnaires. The analysis was done using descriptive and inferential statistics. 

Findings: The study found that advertising positively and significantly affects sales growth. Organizations use advertisements to create awareness of their items and develop new items known to new and potential customers. The advertising is designed to influence and alter consumers' behaviors by encouraging consumerism, particularly switching from one brand to another or staying faithful to the one they presently consume.  

Conclusion: The study concluded that advertising significantly influences a product's sales growth. The advertisements can increase the customer base based on the persuasion language used. Companies have to remain known to the public to increase their sales. 

Recommendations: The study recommends that Coca-cola and other soft drink companies continue with the advertisements. Due to the market's competitive nature, managers of organizations should establish and develop marketing programs that will satisfy customers' needs. Firms should additionally utilize celebrities in the nation to help them advertise their products since this may draw in a large number of people. Organizations need to have policies and frameworks that support advertisement programs. The advertisement of the products should be done continuously if even the sales growth is increasing.

Keywords: Advertising, sales growth, soft drinks, Coca-Cola HBC, Austria

Author Biographies

Söderman Pentz Mohammed, University of Vienna

University of Vienna

Horta Javad Kalajdzic , University of Vienna

University of Vienna

Sadq Zarif Herzog, University of Vienna

University of Vienna


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How to Cite

Mohammed, S. P. ., Kalajdzic , H. J. ., & Herzog, S. Z. . (2022). EFFECT OF ADVERTISING ON SALES GROWTH OF SOFT DRINKS IN AUSTRIA; CASE OF COCA-COLA HBC AUSTRIA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 4(10), 14–24. Retrieved from https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/333


