
  • Sr. Christine Akinyi Ochieng Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Dr. Francis Muchoki Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Dr. Kennedy Moindi Catholic University of Eastern Africa


Purpose of the study: The journey towards active participation of women in political leadership, particularly in the Nyanza region has been punctuated with a lot of challenges. Therefore, the study aimed at examining how the legal and institutional framework occasioned by the 2010 constitution changed women’s participation in political leadership in Nyanza Region.

Research methodology: The study employed content analysis as well as desktop review in assembling the legal documents, the laws, Acts of parliament as well as KIIs in which key informants were interviewed. The analysis was historical in which the chronology since 2010 was followed and presented in narration.

Findings: According to the study findings, there has been an increase in the number of opportunities for women to participate in political leadership since 2010. The creation of special seats for women in parliament aided their representation. The introduction of the two-thirds gender rule was also a positive development; however, it has not been fully implemented.

Conclusion: The research will be useful to legislators, historians, and legal experts.


Recommendations: The study recommended that the two-thirds gender rule be fully implemented in order to level the playing field for women in political leadership.

Keywords: Legal, Institutional framework, Participation of women, Political leadership, Nyanza

Author Biographies

Sr. Christine Akinyi Ochieng, Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Masters Student-Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Dr. Francis Muchoki , Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Senior Lecturer-History Department-Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Dr. Kennedy Moindi, Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Senior Lecturer-History Department-Catholic University of Eastern Africa


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How to Cite

Ochieng, C. A., Muchoki , F., & Moindi, K. (2022). THE EFFECTS OF LEGAL AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK ON THE PARTICIPATION OF WOMEN IN POLITICAL LEADERSHIP IN NYANZA REGION (2010-2017). African Journal of Emerging Issues, 4(10), 64–77. Retrieved from


