
  • Geoffrey Kipkorir Chalulot Kenya Methodist University
  • Susan Njuguna Daystar University
  • Eunice Ndirangu Aga Khan University


Purpose: The study aimed at determining the patient factors that influence the implementation of Policy on management of childhood illnesses at Bomet County.

Methods: The study adopted a descriptive cross sectional study design was carried out in Bomet County. The study population was a total of 279 health workers in Bomet County Hospital and Tenwek Hospital. A sample of 164 was arrived at which was selected using stratified and simple random sampling technique. The quantitative data was analyzed Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 22).

Results: The study found that Patient factors have a significant influence on the implementation of the policy on management of childhood illnesses in Bomet County. The study found that the level of knowledge respondents provided to the patients on IMCI and ETAT in the hospital and the level of access for patients to the hospital significant at p˃0.01. The study further discovered a significant positive relationship between patient factors and implementation of policy on management of childhood illnesses where a unit increase in patient factors would lead an increase in implementation of policy by 0.350.

Recommendations: The study recommended that awareness should be created for patients to demand for services on management of childhood illnesses.

Keywords: patient factors, implementation, management, childhood illnesse

Author Biographies

Geoffrey Kipkorir Chalulot, Kenya Methodist University

Post Graduate Student

Kenya Methodist University

Susan Njuguna, Daystar University


Daystar University

Eunice Ndirangu, Aga Khan University


Aga Khan University


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How to Cite

Chalulot, G. K. ., Njuguna, S. ., & Ndirangu, E. . (2019). PATIENT FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE THE IMPLEMENTATION OF POLICY ON MANAGEMENT OF CHILDHOOD ILLNESSES IN BOMET COUNTY. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 1(6), 1–17. Retrieved from


