
  • Fati Bawa Mahama Bagabaga College of Education, Ghana
  • Theresa Domobalah Chireh McCoy College of Education, Ghana
  • Hawa Dramani Gambaga College of Education, Ghana


Purpose of the Study: The objective of the study was to determine the impact of work satisfaction on employee turnover intentions in Ghanaian hotels. This study's specific objectives were to assess the influence of supervisory support on employee turnover intention in Ghanaian hotels, determine the influence of working conditions on employee turnover intention in Ghanaian hotels, and determine the influence of promotion opportunities on employee turnover intention in Ghanaian hotels. The study was informed by Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory.

Statement of the Problem: Given that people are assets of the organization because knowledge is the source of profit and sustained competitive advantage, employee retention is the main difficulty that human resource management in Ghana's hotel industry is currently experiencing.

Methodology: This was a literature review in which a variety of pertinent papers from various contexts were examined.

Result: The survey indicated that employee turnover intention has become one of the most significant human resource issues in the Ghanaian hotel sector due to the negative impact it is anticipated to have on an organization's hotel and employee morale. The study found that work satisfaction has become one of the leading causes of turnover intention among employees in the hotel industry in Ghana, and that turnover intention among employees in the industry is typically a result of job satisfaction difficulties. According to the study's findings, there is a significant negative correlation between employee work satisfaction and intention to leave in Ghanaian hotels.

Conclusion: The study also concludes that there are impediments to job satisfaction in Ghana's hotel industry, such as the nature of the employee's work that is largely unrelated to the job description, excessively strict supervision by superiors, the support of coworkers from the same division, and promotion opportunities that are implemented too slowly.

Recommendation: The study suggests that hotel management in Ghana should strive to reduce employee turnover by creating a favourable work environment, improving working conditions, giving adequate supervisory assistance, and promoting employees based on merit.

Keywords: Job satisfaction, supervisory support, working conditions, promotion opportunity turnover intention.

Author Biographies

Fati Bawa Mahama, Bagabaga College of Education, Ghana

Vocational and Technical Department

Theresa Domobalah Chireh, McCoy College of Education, Ghana

Department Vocational and Technical Education

Hawa Dramani, Gambaga College of Education, Ghana

Vocational and Technical Department


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How to Cite

Mahama, F. B. ., Chireh, T. D. ., & Dramani, H. . (2022). ASSESSING THE INFLUENCE OF JOB SATISFACTION ON EMPLOYEES TURNOVER INTENTION IN HOTELS IN GHANA: AN EMPIRICAL REVIEW. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 4(13), 45–61. Retrieved from


