
  • Crispin A. Mbata University of Nairobi
  • Oluoch Mercy Florah University of Nairobi
  • Florence Muindi University of Nairobi


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of organizational identification in the relationship between authentic leadership and ethical behavior of employees in commercial banks in Kenya. The study adopted a cross sectional survey research design. Primary data was collected a cross employees of the 46 commercial banks in Kenya. The study findings established that organizational identification has partial mediating effect in the relationship between authentic leadership and ethical behavior of employees in commercial banks in Kenya. The study contributes to knowledge in providing evidence on the influence of authentic leadership and organizational identification on ethical behavior of employees in commercial banks in Kenya. The study recommends that commercial banks in Kenya should put more emphasize and focus on authentic leadership and organizational identification to efficiently manage ethical behavior of employees in their organizations

Keywords: Authentic Leadership, Organizational Identification & Ethical Behavior

Author Biographies

Crispin A. Mbata, University of Nairobi

 PhD Candidate, Department of Business Administration, University of Nairobi-Kenya

Oluoch Mercy Florah, University of Nairobi

Department of Business Administration, University of Nairobi-Kenya

Florence Muindi , University of Nairobi

Department of Business Administration, University of Nairobi-Kenya


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How to Cite

Mbata, C. A. ., Oluoch, M. F., & Muindi, F. (2023). AUTHENTIC LEADERSHIP, ORGANIZATIONAL IDENTIFICATION AND ETHICAL BEHAVIOR OF EMPLOYEES IN COMMERCIAL BANKS IN KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 5(2), 36–52. Retrieved from


