
  • Domeniter Naomi Kathula University of Nairobi, Egerton University
  • Sr. Dr. Jacinta M. Adhiambo Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Dr. Shem, N, Mwalw’a Catholic University of Eastern Africa


Purpose of the study: This study sought to examine the influence Examinations’ feedback utilization on the quality of examinations in public universities in Kenya.

Problem Statement: There is a widespread concern regarding the quality of examinations especially in public universities in Kenya (Obwogi, 2011; Eucharia, 2012; Mbirithi, 2013; Munene, 2013). It seems that there is inadequate knowledge on administrative procedures and guidelines on setting university examinations regarding feedback utilisation (Gudo et al., 2011; Akaranga & Ongong’a, 2013; Bunyi, 2013; Nyangau, 2014; Waithaka, 2015; Mokamba, 2015; Munene, 2016).

Study Methodology: The study used the mixed method research design. The study combined phenomenological research design for qualitative data and cross-sectional survey research design for quantitative data. The researcher purposively sampled 5 universities from the 31 public universities in Kenya. The total number of academic staffs in the 5 sampled universities were 4,134. Additionally, the study sampled 5 examination administrators5 Registrar Academic and Students’ affairs (RASA), 5 Quality Assurance Officers/Directors, 10 Deans of faculties, 10 Heads of Departments and 207 academic staff. A total of 242 respondents were involved in the study. Data collection instruments used was the questionnaires. The quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics.

Results of the study: The study found a statistically significant mean difference between examinations’ feedback utilization on quality of examinations in public universities in Kenya. Feedback from moderation is not taken into consideration on time.

Conclusion: The feedback utilization on setting of examination questions were rarely done except where the department realized the question paper submitted had major corrections to be done by the original setter.

Recommendations:  study recommends that the academic administration through leadership of quality assurance director to encourage peer-evaluation, constructive feedback and coaching as ongoing practices to foster a learning community approach to quality teaching and assessment. Academic administrators to monitor the effectiveness of feedback through its impact on examination quality, adapt known feedback mechanisms at specified times and communicate them effectively.

Author Biographies

Domeniter Naomi Kathula, University of Nairobi, Egerton University

Master in Education, Educational Administration and Planning,University of Nairobi

Bachelor of Science, Agricultural Education and Extension, Egerton University

Sr. Dr. Jacinta M. Adhiambo, Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Senior lecturer, Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Department of Educational, Administration and Planning


Dr. Shem, N, Mwalw’a, Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Lecturer, Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Department of Educational, Administration and Planning


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How to Cite

Kathula, D. N. ., Adhiambo, S. D. J. M. ., & Mwalw’a, D. S. N. . (2019). INFLUENCE OF EXAMINATIONS’ FEEDBACK UTILIZATION ON THE QUALITY OF EXAMINATIONS IN PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES IN KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 1(6), 30–46. Retrieved from


