
  • Kerry Benzen Hossain University of Manitoba
  • Shields Barlow Giorgi University of Manitoba
  • Martin Diotte Mache University of Manitoba


Purpose of the study: The study examined the influence of working conditions on employee performance in private firms in Toronto, Canada. Working conditions have a significant influence on workers' performance, either positively or negatively.

Findings: The study found that job stressors, such as excessive workload, time pressure, and lack of control over work, can negatively impact employee job performance, leading to burnout, absenteeism, and turnover. Providing training and development opportunities can improve employee job performance and job satisfaction, by increasing their knowledge, skills, and sense of competence.

Conclusion:  The study concluded that it is essential for employers to understand the influence of working conditions on employee job performance and take necessary steps to create a supportive and conducive work environment. Creating a supportive and conducive work environment that prioritizes employees' physical and psychosocial well-being, offers opportunities for growth and development, and provides flexibility in work arrangements can improve job performance in private firms in Toronto, Canada.

Recommendations:  The study recommended that employers need to recognize and reward good job performance. This can be done through bonuses, promotions, or other incentives that demonstrate appreciation for a job well done. Employers should prioritize creating a safe, comfortable, and flexible work environment, promoting open communication, recognizing and rewarding good job performance, providing training and development opportunities, and managing workload. Employers should ensure that the workplace is free from physical hazards, has appropriate ventilation, lighting, and temperature control, and is ergonomically designed to reduce physical stress and strain.

Keywords: Working Conditions, Employee Job Performance, Private Firms, Canada

Author Biographies

Kerry Benzen Hossain, University of Manitoba

Postgraduate Student, University of Manitoba

Shields Barlow Giorgi , University of Manitoba

Lecturer, University of Manitoba

Martin Diotte Mache, University of Manitoba

Lecturer, University of Manitoba


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How to Cite

Hossain, K. B., Giorgi , S. B. ., & Mache, M. D. . (2023). WORKING CONDITIONS AND EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE IN PRIVATE FIRMS IN TORONTO, CANADA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 5(3), 13–20. Retrieved from




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