
  • Ben Getange Management University of Africa
  • Thomas Ndetto Management University of Africa
  • Dr.P. Machoka Management University of Africa


Purpose of the Study: The purpose of the study was to determine the influence of transformational leadership on the growth of regulatory State Corporations in Kenya and to determine the influence of staff training on the growth of regulatory State Corporations in Kenya.  

Problem Statement: Economic development of any country depends on efficient use of her resources both tangible and intangible. Transformational leaders use their talents not only to transform their organizations but they also become role models by persuading their colleagues to work in ways that achieve the objectives and goals of their organization. Transformational leaders create a culture in which all members of the organization strive towards a common shared vision.

Methodology of the Study: A census study using cross sectional survey design was used to achieve the study objectives. The target population was 56 employees from 28 State Corporations in regulatory sector who were subjected to performance appraisal since 2008 when the exercise was implemented in Kenya. The study selected two respondents from each State Corporation comprising of the Managing director or human resource director and a Chief finance officer. Semi-structured questionnaires were administered to 56 respondents to collect primary data for this study. Data analysis was done using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Content analysis was used to achieve the objective of the study.

Results: Based on the findings of the study, low commitment of the top management towards staff development especially in terms of training to acquire necessary and relevant skills was found to be a major factor hindering the growth of State Corporations.

Conclusion: Implementation of strategic planning and management will assist the State Corporations realize growth. There should be put in place consistent plans to enable proper utilization of resources. To measure results monitoring and evaluation should be put in place to support strategic planning.

Recommendation: Training staff on leadership and conflict resolution, implementing relevant capacity building programmes of the staff and transformational leadership were recommended strategies to increase the growth of the State Corporations.

Keywords: Transformational leadership, staff training, State Corporations growth, Kenya

Author Biographies

Ben Getange, Management University of Africa

PhD Student, Management University of Africa

Thomas Ndetto , Management University of Africa

PhD Student, Management University of Africa

Dr.P. Machoka, Management University of Africa

Senior Lecturer, Management University of Africa


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How to Cite

Getange, B. ., Ndetto , T. ., & Machoka, D. . (2019). TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND STAFF TRAINING KEY TO STATE CORPORATIONS GROWTH. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 1(6), 47–61. Retrieved from


