
  • Angelo Fidanza Sharipova University of Milan
  • Marco Ciocca Weisburst University of Milan
  • Carlo Smeriglio Iqbal University of Milan


Purpose of the Study: The study sought to examine the effect of school funding on the student achievement in public schools in Milan, Italy

Statement of the problem: The problem revolves around the correlation between school funding and student achievement in public schools in Milan, Italy. Despite substantial investments in education, there is a growing concern that the current allocation of funds may not be effectively translating into improved academic performance among students. This study aims to examine the relationship between school funding levels and student achievement to identify potential gaps or areas for improvement in the education system in Milan.

Methodology: Desk study review methodology was used for the paper where relevant empirical literature was reviewed to identify main themes. A very thorough review of empirical literature took place to expound on the impact of school funding on the student achievement in public schools in Milan, Italy 

Findings: The study indicate that there is a positive relationship between school funding levels and student achievement. Higher levels of funding are associated with improved academic outcomes, including higher test scores and graduation rates. However, the impact of funding on student achievement is also influenced by factors such as teacher quality, curriculum, and parental involvement, highlighting the need for a comprehensive approach to educational improvement beyond funding alone.

Conclusion: Higher levels of funding are associated with improved academic outcomes, emphasizing the importance of sufficient resources for educational success. However, it is important to recognize that funding alone is not the sole determinant of student achievement, and other factors such as teacher quality and curriculum also contribute significantly to educational outcomes. Therefore, a holistic approach that combines adequate funding with effective teaching practices and supportive learning environments is crucial for maximizing student achievement in Milan's public schools.

Recommendations: Policymakers should prioritize allocating sufficient funding to public schools to ensure adequate resources for effective teaching and learning. Second, efforts should be made to improve teacher quality through professional development programs and recruitment of highly qualified educators. Lastly, there should be a focus on creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment that promotes parental involvement and student engagement, as these factors have been shown to positively impact student achievement.

Keywords: School Funding, Student Achievement, Public Schools, Italy

Author Biographies

Angelo Fidanza Sharipova, University of Milan

University of Milan

Marco Ciocca Weisburst , University of Milan

University of Milan

Carlo Smeriglio Iqbal, University of Milan

University of Milan


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How to Cite

Sharipova, A. F. ., Weisburst , M. C. ., & Iqbal, C. S. . (2023). SCHOOL FUNDING AND STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN MILAN, ITALY. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 5(8), 14–24. Retrieved from


